After the API or Widget integration, it is important for our developers to login to our Easy Pay Virtual Terminal and make sure the TRANSACTIONS or CONSENTS created using the API or Widget appears correct. The Easy Pay Support Team can help with the Virtual Terminal Credentials.
Virtual Terminal User Name Example: VT4914533
Once logged in, click on the search menu
This will show the list of transactions created. Select the transaction that needs to be verified. Click on “Full Detail” button. A pop up opens that shows all the transaction information from: AcctHolder, EndCustomer, BIN details, DateCreated, etc.
Make sure the amount, last four digits of the credit card, card type, and expiration date appears correct.
There are scenarios where the Transaction can get Declined due to various reasons like Insufficient funds, Card Not Allowed, Lost/Stolen Card, etc. These can be simulated in the Test Scennario using the Penny Codes. In such cases the Transaction would appear as Status-Failed as shown below:
Clicking on Full Detail can show the reason for Decline as highlighted below:
If you need to do partial authorizations we offer an option named:
If this option is turned on (by request only), then it is possible for a transaction to be approved for the partial amount when the card has an available balance which is less than the amount being authorized. In this case we will return the approved amount and the balance due. This remaining balance could potentially be collected in another form of payment or at a later date.
If this option is turned on, then you can monitor the following values which are part of the sale response.
To test a partial authorization you will do the following:
Use one of these cards:
VI 4788250000028291
DS 6011000995500000
VI 4055011111111111
DS 6011212100000087
MC 5454545454545454
AE 371449635398431
MC 5405222222222226
MC 5473000000000007
Enter the following amount ( 2.78 ) . .should get partial approval for (2.57 )
Enter the following amount ( 3.26 ) . . should get partial approval for ( 1.26 )
The receipt can also be printed in the Virtual Terminal by clicking the MERCHANT or CUSTOMER button as shown in below images:
Click on Consent List Menu as shown below:
Select the Consent that needs to be verified from the Grid. Click Full Detail button and make sure the Consent, AcctHolder, and EndCustomer details looks correct.
To view the Consent Agreement click on the Merchant or Customer Consent and the pop-up would appear with the Agreement as shown below: